Therapy of Anxiety Disorder

Therapy of Anxiety Disorder

Psychological approaches are different from each other in the dwarf and the purpose of handling the anxiety. But basically the dwarf variety of equally encourage the client to deal with and not avoid the sources of their anxiety. In dealing with anxiety disorders can be through several approaches:

1. Psikodinamika approaches

From the perspective of psikodinamika, the anxiety reflects energy attached to unconscious conflicts and the efforts of the ego to let it remain terepresi. Traditional psychoanalysis was aware that anxiety represent clients from conflicts within them. By having this symbolizing the ego can be freed from spending energy to do the repression. Thus the ego can give more attention towards tasks that are more creative andgive the increase. So too are modern, but more modern explores the source of the anxiety that comes from the form of the relationship now than in the past. In addition they encourage clients to develop more adaptive behavior.

2. Humanistic approaches

The humanistic character believe that anxiety that social repression comes from ourselves. Anxiety occurs when unconscious between the inner self of a person the truth, and social levels of the approaching to the guise of consciousness. Therefore, the therapist-humanistic therapist aims at helping people to understand and express their talents and their feelings. As a result, the client becomes free to discover and accept themselves are real and not react with anxiety when their feelings are real and their needs begin to emerge to the surface.

3. Biological approaches

This approach typically use a variety of drugs to treat anxiety disorders. Including the benzodiazepine, Valium and Xanax (alprazolam). Although benzodiazepine has a calming effect, but can result in physical depensi.
Antidepressant drugs have the effect of antikecemasan and antipanik in addition toalso have the effect of antidepressants.

4. Learning approaches

The effectiveness of handling the anxiety with a learning approach has been much justified by some research. The core of the approach to learning is an effort to help individuals become more effective in dealing with the situation that causes the appearance of anxiety. There are several kinds of model learning approach in therapy, including:

a. reconcile with Gradual Exposure

This method helps overcome phobias or anxiety through a step by step approach ofactual exposure against fobik stimulus. Exposure therapy effectiveness is already very evident, making this therapy as therapeutic options to treat specific phobias. The exposure will also be widely used in handling to agoraphobia. Nature therapy gradually exposes individuals who agorafobik to the situation more frightening stimulus, individual success is ultimately target when presented at the last stage which is the toughest stage without any feelings of discomfort and without an impetus to shy away. The advantage of the exposure up is the result that can last a long time. How tocope with or how to help minimize anxiety:

b. reconstruction of the mind

That is helping individuals to think logically what happened actually. usually used on a psychologist against sufferers of phobias.

c. DOS Flooding

I.e. the individual is assisted by giving the most scared stimulus and conditioned sedemikan the flesh as well as forcing individuals who suffer from anxiety to deal with it myself.

d Cognitive Therapy.

Therapy that is done is through the approach of rational emotive behavior therapy,cognitive therapy-show individuals with social phobia that irrational needs for acceptance-acceptance of social and perfectionism childbirth anxiety in social interaction.The key is to eliminate the need for therapeutic excessive social acceptance. Cognitive therapy tried correcting the dysfunctional beliefs. For example, people with social phobia may think that no one in a party that wants to converse with him and that they will end up lonely and isolated throughout the rest of their lives. Cognitive therapy helps them to recognize the logical flaw-flaw in their minds and help them to look at the situation rationally. One example is cognitive restructuring cognitive engineering, a process in which therapists help clients find those thoughts and seeking rational alternatives so that they can learn to deal with situations generating anxiety.

e. cognitive therapy Behavioral (CBT)

This therapy combines behavioral techniques such as the method of exposure and cognitive techniques techniques such as cognitive restructuring.

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